EOF is a powerful yet easy to use fretting tool. Beginners to fretting songs and experts will love it's simple interface that makes fretting less complicated and still produce quality work. People who used to use Feedback or Freetar with feel right at home using this tool as it combines features of both as well as introduce some to features unique to this program.
- Anchors
- Grid Snap
- 3D Perspective View
- Vocal charting
- Import lyrics into your chart
- Import Feedback charts
- Displays which notes are HO/PO's in the 3D view
- Work with all 4 difficulties
- Can also create rhythm, bass and drum tracks
- Test in FOF directly from EOF
- Metronome/Claps
- Slow down your song to hear specific notes and drum beats
- Automatically converts MP3's to OGG's
- Exports directly to Frets on Fire format (no external converters needed).
- Save as .EOF project file type
- Song.ini Settings Including: Song Name, Artist, Year, Fretter, & Loading Text
- Mark Solo Sections
- Mark Star Power Notes
- Mark Big Rock Endings
- Mark HOPO notes
- Mark Extended Sustain notes (Crazy notes)
- Much more!