Song.ini Values

Things you can add in your song.ini

On/Off value, can be both True/False* or 1/0 where 1 represents true and 0 is false.
A text string.
Natural number.
Hexadecimal number
Feature Value Vanilla RF-Mod FoFiX Explanation
album Text No No* Yes The Album's name; only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up*.
artist Text Yes Yes Yes Artist who made the song.
cassettecolor Hex Yes Yes Yes Sets the color of the cassette tape in original FoF.
count Number No Yes* Yes How many times played.
delay Number Yes Yes Yes Delays the notes, negative values works as well.
diff_band 0-6 No No Yes The RB2 style difficulty of the band; only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up.
diff_bass 0-6 No No Yes The RB2 style difficulty of the bass; only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up.
diff_drums 0-6 No No Yes The RB2 style difficulty of the drums; only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up.
diff_guitar 0-6 No No Yes The RB2 style difficulty of the guitar; only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up.
eighthnote_hopo Boolean No Yes¹ Yes* Allows 1/8 spaced notes to be detected as HOPO.
force_background Boolean No No Yes* Forces a background from the song folder called background.png*
frets Text No* Yes Yes Displays fretter's name on song start .
genre text No No Yes The genre (Death Metal, Polka, etc.); only available through FoFix 3.035 Beta and up.
hopofreq Number No No Yes HOPO Frequency setting. It has 6 settings (0="Least", 1="Less", 2="Normal", 3="More", 4="Even More", 5="Most"). Requires the user setting "Song HOPO Freq" be set to "Auto.
icon "Value" No No Yes Sets icon to use for song title. "Value", one of: rb1,rb2,rbdlc,rbtpk,gh1,gh2,gh2dlc,gh3,gh3dlc,gh80s,gha,ghm,ph1,ph2,ph3,ph4,phm
loading_phrase Text No No Yes Text that is displayed when song is loading.
lyrics Boolean ?* Yes Yes Enables subtitle style lyrics when script.txt is present.
name Text Yes Yes Yes Song title.
tags cover No* No* Yes Indicates a cover version so that "As Made famous by [artist]" is displayed. "cover" must be in lowercase.
tutorial Boolean No No Yes Hide the song in quickplay if it is the tutorial song.
unlock_id Tier No No Yes What tier a song is in.
unlock_require Tier No No Yes What tier needs to be finished for the song to be unlocked.
unlock_text Text No No Yes What the it will say if a song is locked (e.g. Finish Tier 1 to unlock this song).
version Number No* No* Yes* Displays the version number of the song.
year Number No* No* Yes Displays years in which the song has been published/made on song start.

Don't forget the "[song]" at the beginning of the file.

* Verification needed.
¹ In RF-mod 4.15
Also if there's anything missing feel free to edit!

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